Executive Order on Quality Management Systems

Pursuant to section 20 (3), no. 1-4, in Act No. 401 of 28 April 2014 on the Authorisation of Electrical, Plumbing and Sewerage Installation Companies, the following is determined by order, pursuant to Section 4, no. 13, in Executive Order no. 545 of 29 May 2017 on the delegation of powers to the Danish Safety Technology Authority.

Executive Order on Quality Management Systems for Authorised Electricity, Plumbing and Sewage Installation Companies and for Companies with Approval in the Gas Field

Part 1: The quality management system

§ 1. The quality management system must address the part of an authorised or approved company's business basis that concerns the authorisation-requiring work in the electrical, plumbing or sewage field or work requiring company approval in the gas field. The quality management system must be adapted to the company's organisational structure and the technically-responsible person's authority in the company.

§ 2. The quality management system must contain the elements described in Appendix 1.

§ 3. The quality management system must be documented.

Subsection 2. The quality management system must be available to the Danish Safety Technology Authority and the supervisory body that the company has chosen to cooperate with. The documentation for performed work must also be available to municipal councils, water and wastewater supply companies, network companies for electricity supply, gas suppliers, cable owners and owners of main collectors, cf. Appendix 1, item II, no. 1.

Subsection 3. The company must safely keep the quality management system and documentation for 5 years.

§ 4. The company is responsible for implementing the quality management system and updating and evaluating it. Management's evaluation must be carried out at least once a year. The company is required to have the quality management system reviewed by a supervisory body, cf. however, Sections 12 (2), 13 and 15.

Part 2: Approval and verification of the quality management system

§ 5. Application for approval of the quality management system must be sent to a supervisory body that is approved by the Danish Safety Technology Authority, cf. Sections 11, 12 and 13. Together with the application, a copy of the company's quality management system must be sent as well as information on when the system has been implemented, including whether certain parts have not yet been implemented. The application and quality management system can be submitted electronically.

Subsection 2. The supervisory bodies that are approved by the Danish Safety Technology Authority can be found on the website of the Danish Safety Technology Authority, www.sik.dk.

§ 6. The supervisory body will issue a preliminary approval of the quality management system after the system evaluation if the supervisory body has found the system to be satisfactory. If the supervisory body finds that the system is inadequate, the supervisory body shall deny preliminary approval.

Subsection 2. The preliminary approval must be issued by the supervisory body within the last 12 months prior to the company applying for authorisation or approval in the gas field.

Subsection 3. A company re-applying for authorisation or business approval after the authorisation or approval has lapsed, cf. Section 21 of the Act, may fulfill the condition of having an approved quality management system by

1) submitting the latest approval certificate from the supervisory body, provided that it has not expired, or

2) having the quality management system re-approved beforehand.

§ 7. The quality management system must be finally approved by the supervisory body within one year after the issue of the authorisation or company approval in the gas field. The supervisory body evaluates the received quality management system and conducts verification at the company to assess whether the quality management system has been implemented.

Subsection 2. If the supervisory body can approve the implemented quality management system, an approval certificate will be issued. If the supervisory body cannot approve the quality management system, the supervisory body denies approval.

§ 8. A company for which authorisation in the electrical, plumbing or sewerage installation field or company approval in the gas field has been revoked within the last 6 months, pursuant to Section 23 (1) no. 2 of the Act, shall in case of a new application for authorisation in the electrical, plumbing or sewage installation field or for company approval in the gas field submit documentation to the Danish Safety Technology Authority that a supervisory body has approved the company's quality management system, cf. Section 7.

§ 9. The supervisory body carries out ongoing verifications of whether the company uses and actually complies with the quality management system and whether the system meets the applicable requirements. Verifying the quality management system is done at intervals, such that a renewed approval of the quality management system does not exceed 2 years.

Subsection 2. The company must initiate necessary improvement activities in relation to the deviations identified by the supervisory body. The supervisory body must verify the result of the corrective actions before the supervisory body can approve the quality management system.

Subsection 3. The company must follow up on the remarks of the supervisory body within a time limit set by the supervisory body, which may not exceed 6 months. If the supervisory body subsequently finds that the company has not followed up on the remarks by acting within the stipulated deadline, this will constitute a deviation, cf. subsection 2.

Subsection 4. If the supervisory body in the ongoing verification or during the approval period, cf. subsection 1, finds that the requirements for the quality management system are not observed, the supervisory body shall withdraw the approval of the quality management system.

§ 10. The supervisory body must ensure that the Danish Safety Technology Authority receives the following information:

1) The supervisory body's preliminary approval of the quality management system, cf. Section 6.

2) The supervisory body's approval of the company's quality management system, cf. Section 7.

3) The supervisory body's verification of the company's quality management system, cf. Section 9.

§ 11. A company established in another EU/EEA country seeking authorisation for electrical, plumbing or sewerage installation or company approval in the gas field in order to establish itself in Denmark must provide the company's quality management system and information on the status of system implementation to the Danish Safety Technology Authority together with the application for authorisation. The quality management system must concern work covered by Sections 2, 4, 5, 7 or 11 of the Act and must be approved in accordance with the rules of this Executive Order. The Danish Safety Technology Authority will evaluate whether the system can be preliminarily approved, cf. Section 6.

Subsection 2. The quality management system, cf. subsection 1, must be finally approved by a supervisory body cf. Section 7, and must be verified by a supervisory body, cf. Section 9.

Subsection 3. The quality management system, cf. subsections 1 and 2, and information on the implementation of the system, cf. subsection 1, must be submitted in a language that the supervisory body and the Danish Safety Technology Authority easily understand.

§ 12. A company established in another EU/EEA country seeking authorisation in the electrical, plumbing or sewerage installation field or company approval in the gas field in order to establish itself in Denmark or a Danish company will be able to meet the requirement to have an approved quality management system if the company submits documentation to the Danish Safety Technology Authority that the company already employs a quality management system in the relevant field, which is approved by a recognised certification body on the basis of common European or national standards, or a system that corresponds or is substantially comparable with regard to its purpose. On the basis of the received documentation, the Danish Safety Technology Authority assesses whether the system can be approved, cf. Sections 6 and 7.

Subsection 2. At intervals not exceeding 2 years, the company shall submit documentation to the Danish Safety Technology Authority that the quality management system has been implemented. The documentation must be in the form of verification reports from a recognised certification body or from a corresponding body or authority.

Subsection 3. The documentation, cf. subsections 1 and 2, must be submitted in a language easily understood by the Danish Safety Technology Authority.

Part 3: The quality management system of temporary service providers

§ 13. A company that carries out electrical, water, drainage, gas or sewerage installations established in another EU/EEA country and which temporarily wishes to provide services in Denmark and applies for authorisation within the company's work area in the electricity, plumbing or sewerage installation field or company approval in the gas field will be able to meet the requirement to have an approved quality management system if the company indicates in writing to the Danish Safety Technology Authority how the company

1) ensures that the work is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations in its day-to-day work,

2) performs final inspection of completed installations,

3) prevents mistakes and

4) performs improvement activities to prevent recurrence of specific mistakes.

Subsection 2. The information, cf. subsection 1, must be provided in a language easily understood by the Danish Safety Technology Authority.

Part 4: Extraordinary verification

§ 14. The Danish Safety Technology Authority may require a company to ensure that the company's supervisory body conducts an extraordinary verification of the quality management system in case the company has shown negligence when performing installation work. The Danish Safety Technology Authority may set a deadline for when the extraordinary verification must be completed.

Subsection 2. If the company has not collaborated with a supervisory body, cf. section 12,, the Danish Safety Technology Authority shall designate a supervisory body that performs the extraordinary verification, cf. subsection 1.

Subsection 3. If the supervisory authority, during the extraordinary verification finds that the requirements for the quality management system are not observed, the supervisory body will withdraw the approval of the quality management system.

Subsection 4. In other cases than the case mentioned in subsection 3, the supervisory body must submit a report to the Danish Safety Technology Authority within one month of the verification of the result of the extraordinary verification.

Part 5: Exemptions from the requirement for verification of the quality management system

§ 15. For companies without a CVR number which have been approved pursuant to the Act on Authorisation of Electrical Installers Etc. before 2 June 2014 and which are affiliated with a person with a second occupation with personal authorisation, the quality management system shall only be preliminarily approved, cf. Section 6.

Subsection 2. For companies without a CVR number which, prior to 2 June 2014, have been authorised or approved as a competent company, pursuant to the Act on Gas Installations and Installations in Connection with Water and Drainage Pipes, and which have a technically-responsible person affiliated with it, the quality system must only be preliminarily approved, cf. section 6.

Subsection 3. Companies covered by subsections 1 and 2, must notify the Danish Safety Technology Authority and the supervisory body if the company has a CVR number, cf. Section 19 (2) of the Act.

Part 6: Financing

§ 16. The company pays the supervisory body for approval and verification of the quality management system, cf. Section 20 (2) of the Act, and for extraordinary verification of the quality management system, cf. Section 14 of this Executive Order.

Part 7: Entry into force

§ 17. This Executive Order shall enter into force on 1 January 2019.

Subsection 2. Executive Order no. 629 of 2 June 2017 on Quality Management Systems for Authorised Electricity, Plumbing and Sewerage Installation Companies and for Companies with Approval in the Gas Field is repealed.

The Danish Safety Technology Authority, 29 November 2018

Lone Saaby

Annex 1: Elements of the quality management system

The company's management is responsible for ensuring that the quality management system is implemented and continuously verified by a supervisory body. The quality management system is designed to ensure that installations in the fields of ​​electricity, water and drainage, gas and sewerage are performed and serviced correctly in accordance with applicable legislation. The company must have a technically-responsible person with the necessary professional skills in relation to the business area.

I. The company must describe the following in the quality management system:

1) Company data – CVR information, etc.

2) The company's organisation chart.

3) The company's responsibilities and competences and powers.

4) The business area in the field of authorisation or in the field of gas that is subject to company approval.

5) Staffing of tasks, instruction of employees, supervision and final inspection.

6) Management's evaluation of the quality management system.

7) Improvement activities for deviations in the performed work requiring authorisation or work requiring company approval in the gas field.

II. In the quality management system, the company must keep:

1) Documentation of completed final inspection with identification of the installation, who performed the installation, who performed the final inspection, the date of execution and the outcome of the final inspection.

2) Documentation for performed inspection in accordance with the description, cf. Item I, no. 5.

3) For work done by a cable fitter or pipe fitter external to the company, documentation must be kept for who has completed the work, that the person concerned has completed a course or education approved by the Danish Safety Technology Authority, and that the work has been carried out in accordance with applicable rules.

4) Management's evaluation in relation to deviations.

5) Reports for documentation of:

a) Improvement activities undertaken to prevent any specific deviations from recurring.

(b) Compliance with testing intervals for test and measurement equipment necessary for the safe establishment, operation and maintenance of installations.

(c) The supervisory body's verification of the quality management system and the company's improvement activities and follow-up on remarks.

(d) Agreements on temporary staff from other companies.