Statistik over elbrande i Danmark og Europa

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Europæiske tal over elbrande i boliger

Comparative table of electrical fires in Northwestern Europe (FEEDS Report 2017)

Per year # Population Number of dwellings Electrical fires (reported or not)
Austria 8.665.550 3.778.180 6.423
Belgium 10.449.361 4.372.881 7.434
Denmark 5.581.503 2.790.751 4.744
Finland 5.476.922 2.908.245 4.944
France 66.259.012 27.259.012 50.429
Germany 80.854.408 41.550.300 65.250
Ireland 4.892.305 1.815.045 3.086
Luxemburg 570.252 221.828 377
Netherlands 16.947.904 6.921.070 11.766
Sweden 9.801.616 4.763.585 8.098
United Kingdom 64.088.222 27.767.000 51.369
Total 273.587.055 124.147.897 213.920