Requirements for naming and packaging of tobacco products

The Tobacco Products Act contains special rules for how tobacco products may be named and which images/elements may be used on the packaging. The Danish Safety Technology Authority, together with the Danish Ministry of Health and the Danish Health Authority, has prepared a guide on naming and use of images on packaging.

Forbidden words and phrases

The Danish Act on Tobacco stipulates that tobacco products or packaging may not mislead consumers through naming, use of images or other wording.

The guide elaborates that there must be no information about health effects or references to taste or aroma on the tobacco products packaging or in the name of the product, regardless whether the name is Danish or another language.

There are a number of examples of words and phrases that are not allowed, because they can give a false or illegally positive impression of the tobacco product. For example, do not use words like “citrus”, which refers to taste or aroma, or “royal”, which can give a false positive impression.

Standardization of tobacco packages and herbal smoking products

Individual packages of tobacco products and herbal smoking products as well as outer packaging and wrapping material must have standardized design. However, standardization requirements for packaging do not apply to cigars and pipe tobacco.

Specific requirements for standardized packaging of tobacco products and herbal smoking products are described in detail in Executive Order on standardization of tobacco packaging and herbal smoking products.

Prohibited images and prohibited graphics

The packaging of tobacco products that are not covered by standard packaging requirements must not display images or graphics that creates an erroneous impression of the product or make the tobacco product appear less harmful than it is. There must also be no information that could cause the product to have a positive health benefit, inform about taste or aroma or otherwise mislead. It is described more specifically in the guide. For example, do not use images of fruit or other layout similar to food.

The Danish Safety Technology Authority assesses

If there is any doubt, as to whether a name or description, images or layout is covered by the rules in the Danish Act on Tobacco, the Danish Safety Technology Authority assesses the specific product.

The Danish Safety Technology Authority can also provide guidance on the requirements for naming and use of images. Send an email to the Tobacco Products Directive at or to

See the guidelines

The Danish Safety Technology Authority has prepared the guidelines together with the Danish Ministry of Health and the Danish Health Authority.

The complete guide can be found as pdf (in Danish).