Fireworks - activity approval

Companies or people that manufacture or import fireworks or other pyrotechnic articles must be approved by the Danish Safety Technology Authority.
The regulations relating to activity approval are from 1 Ocotober, 2021 set out in Executive Order No 1798 from 09/09/2021 on fireworks and other pyrotechnic articles.

Documentation of a quality assurance system

Companies or people that manufacture or import small fireworks or other pyrotechnic articles designed for use as trigger mechanisms in safety equipment are not, however, covered by the requirement for approval.

In order to be approved by the Danish Safety Technology Authority with regard to the manufacture, assembly or importing of fireworks, you must be able to document that you have a quality assurance system adapted to the company’s area of business. Quality assurance refers to the systematic actions the company carries out in order to ensure that the products are safe and that the legislation is complied with. These systematic actions must be described in a quality assurance system.

The quality assurance system must ensure:

  • That the firework items are as safe as possible; and
  • That the firework items and the companies meet the requirements of the fireworks legislation.

The requirements are formulated so that they can be included in an ISO 9001 quality assurance system.

The circumstances of individual companies may mean that the above instructions are not adequate and in such cases supplementary requirements will be set by the Danish Safety Technology Authority.

In order to achieve the necessary level of quality assurance at the companies and to ensure uniform implementation, the individual company’s quality assurance system must be approved by the Danish Safety Technology Authority. More detailed requirements for the quality assurance system can be found on the Danish Safety Technology Authority’s website.

The following documentation must be sent with the application to the Danish Safety Technology Authority:

  • Evidence that the company has employees with specialist knowledge of fireworks;
  • Evidence that the company and its proprietor or managing director have not been found guilty of a criminal offence which constitutes an imminent danger of misuse of the approval;
  • Evidence that the company has not had its activity approval revoked
  • Evidence that the company’s proprietor or managing director is of legal age;
  • Evidence that the company is not subject to bankruptcy proceedings or being wound up; and
  • Evidence that the imported or manufactured fireworks can be stored legally.

Please note! In Denmark you must have authorization from the municipal council to transfer, acquire and use professional fireworks. An approval to import or manufacture, including the assembly of fireworks, does not replace these authorizations.

Obligations for companies which import or manufacture fireworks

Companies or people that import, manufacture, assemble or sell fireworks or other pyrotechnic articles must keep records of goods deliveries, sales and stock of fireworks and proof of manufacturer, supplier, usage classifications, article type designation, quantity and the date of purchase and sale. With regard to consumer fireworks, the records must note the SIK number or the CE label (number issued by the Danish Safety Technology Authority or a notified body).

The obligation to keep records does not, however, apply to the retail sale of consumer fireworks.

The records must be detailed enough that the company can present balance sheets for incoming quantities, outgoing quantities and stock level if this should be required.

The information recorded must be stored for at least five years.

Find the application form here