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Viser 1 - 15 af 2022
Produkt mærke, Produkt navn Produkttype Produkt Id Indberetter navn Indberetningsdato
DanSmoke - Max™ Blå Electronic cigarette – Rechargeable, device only Any rechargeable which can also be used as a refillable should be reported under the refillable category. 01507-16-00089 Electronic Cigarettes Europe GmbH 08-01-2017
DanSmoke - Max™ Rød Electronic cigarette – Rechargeable, device only Any rechargeable which can also be used as a refillable should be reported under the refillable category. 01507-16-00091 Electronic Cigarettes Europe GmbH 08-01-2017
Asmodus - Minikin Reborn Electronic cigarette – Rechargeable, device only Any rechargeable which can also be used as a refillable should be reported under the refillable category. 02402-17-00003 Asmodus 28-11-2017
VOOPOO - ARGUS POD (0.7Ω) Kit – Pack containing more than one different e-cigarette device and/or more than one different refill container/cartridge. 01313-22-00002 Shenzhen Woody Vapes Technology Co., Ltd. 09-06-2022
VOOPOO - ITO-M0 (0.5Ω) Individual part of electronic cigarette capable of containing e-liquid. 01313-22-00007 Shenzhen Woody Vapes Technology Co., Ltd. 09-06-2022
Uwell - AEGLOS H2 Coil 0.18Ω Individual part of electronic cigarette capable of containing e-liquid. 02101-21-31076 Shenzhen Uwell Technology Co., Ltd. 07-07-2021
UWELL - VALYRIAN Refillable Pod Individual part of electronic cigarette capable of containing e-liquid. 02101-19-31035 Shenzhen Uwell Technology Co., Ltd. 02-03-2020
UWELL - VALYRIAN Pod Coil 0.6 Ω Other 02101-19-31036 Shenzhen Uwell Technology Co., Ltd. 02-03-2020
Locotin - Base 50/50 9 Refill container/cartridge containing e-liquid. 00701-16-00050 Locotin Aps 20-11-2016
Locotin - Pr. Tobak 18 Refill container/cartridge containing e-liquid. 00701-22-00070 Locotin Aps 01-08-2022
Locotin - Mentol 18 Refill container/cartridge containing e-liquid. 00701-22-00069 Locotin Aps 01-08-2022
Locotin - Pr. Tobak 12 Refill container/cartridge containing e-liquid. 00701-22-00068 Locotin Aps 14-07-2022
Locotin - Pr. Tobak 6 Refill container/cartridge containing e-liquid. 00701-22-00067 Locotin Aps 14-07-2022
Locotin - Mentol 12 Refill container/cartridge containing e-liquid. 00701-22-00066 Locotin Aps 14-07-2022
Locotin - Mentol 6 Refill container/cartridge containing e-liquid. 00701-22-00065 Locotin Aps 14-07-2022