How do I get authorization to use professional fireworks in Denmark

The use of professional fireworks requires authorization from the municipal council for the municipality in which the fireworks are to be used.

Authorization to use professional fireworks

The regulations relating to the use of fireworks are set out in Executive Order No 1798 of 09/09/2021 on fireworks and other pyrotechnic articles.

You must apply for your authorization no later than 30 days before the event and your application must contain the following information:

  • Name and address of the applicant.
  • Where the fireworks is to be used and drawing/map of the site.
  • When the applicant wishes to use the fireworks.
  • Which items the applicant wishes to use, number, size and the total Net Explosive Quantity (NEQ)
  • A description of how compliance with the usage rules and safety distances will be ensured. (If possible provide a sketch of the launch area.)
  • Name and certification number of the certified pyrotechnician(s) who will take part in the event and names of assistants.

Apply for professional use of fireworks at an event

Authorization is basically granted as an individual authorization for every separate fireworks event.

The municipal council may set safety and public order related conditions for use.

Obligation to keep records

When you use professional fireworks you must keep records of how many fireworks articles you have bought and used and of the individual events indicating the time and place. Rules relating to this are set out in the Executive Order.

Usage rules – general

When you use fireworks you must minimize the risk of injuries to people and damage to property as well as minimizing the nuisance to the surrounding environment. The legislation contains several detailed safety requirements to ensure this.

Use of professional fireworks

  • The use of fireworks must take place in a launch area which is properly cordoned off from the spectators.
  • No-one, apart from the people needed to let off the fireworks, is permitted to walk across the cordoned-off launch area in which the fireworks will be used, cf. the first item in this list. The ban applies from the time at which the set-up of the firewo
  • The quantity and size of the fireworks used should be adapted to the conditions of the site where the fireworks are to be used.
  • Launch ramps for rockets, launch tubes for aerial shells, racks for fountains, etc. must be of a sufficiently solid design and properly secured, i.e. being fastened in the ground or secured with rope.
  • There must be an unobstructed view of the entire area that is cordoned off.
  • Protective caps over fuses must not be removed until immediately before ignition.
  • Rockets and aerial fireworks must always be launched upwards away from the spectators and any buildings.
  • After use all components must be inspected for any duds. Duds must be removed and destroyed responsibly.
  • There must be at least one portable fire pump or one pressurized water extinguisher suitable for extinguishing a firework fire, fire extinguishing equipment, at or near to the site where the fireworks are used.

When using category 3 or 4 fireworks, there are several different safety distances which must be observed with regard to spectators, houses, flammable storage facilities, etc.


When using aerial shells, the following safety distances from spectators apply in all directions:

  • Aerial shells with a maximum diameter of 60 mm – at least 25 meters
  • Aerial shells with a diameter between 60 mm and 100 mm – at least 50 meters
  • Aerial shells with a diameter between 100 mm and 150 mm – at least 100 meters
  • Aerial shells with a diameter between 150 mm and 200 mm – at least 200 meters.

When launching in the wind direction, the safety distances specified in section 2, no. 1-5 should be doubled when the wind speed exceeds 5 meters per second.

All safety distances are set out in Executive Order No 1798 on fireworks and other pyrotechnic articles. The municipal council can provide advice on the regulations.

Please note! The municipal council may have issued a ban on using fireworks in the open air, e.g. in the event of a long drought. An authorization to use fireworks in the open air is not valid if such a ban has been issued. You are obliged to check whether a general ban has been issued before you use fireworks.

Use of stage fireworks

  • Stage fireworks must be stored in a sealed wooden box or approved transport packaging outside the premises where they are to be used until they are set up for launch. They must not be taken out of the packaging until immediately before they are set up f
  • The fireworks must stay wrapped up until the fireworks are set up.
  • Fuses and wires on the fireworks must be shorted until the fireworks are set up for launch.
  • The power supply to amplifiers, speakers and other electrical devices must be turned off during assembly of the electrical ignition system.
  • Smoking and the use of open flames is not permitted during the set-up and use of the fireworks.
  • There must be at least one portable fire pump or one pressurized water extinguisher near the area in which the fireworks are set up and used.
  • Stage fireworks may only be used in premises with a ceiling height of at least 4 meters.
  • Stage fireworks may only be used in a launch area to which unauthorized personnel do not have access. The cordon must be at least 3 meters from the fireworks in every direction.
  • When using stage fireworks in buildings any restrictions from the building authorities must be followed.

If stage fireworks in category T2 are used outdoor then you must follow the rules on use of professional fireworks set out above.